Thursday, April 23, 2009

the poet?

tell me what you think about this for a character. here goes. the poet is a character provided with or responsible for writing prose and poetry relevant to the situation, life, death, etc... Resources for the writing could be assembled ahead and be included in the script. As far as his place in reality, the poet is the "inner voice" of the seeker or individual. he is the part of us that sees the beauty or the chaos in everyday life. he is the analyzer and the complicator, depending on the situation and environment in which he is placed. In the play he will speak whenever he feels necessary and must reflect the feelings that he is speaking about. anyway, tell me what you think so that we can further refine and define this character, if we choose to include him.

P.S. this was inspired by the open mic night. the constant stream of poetry from various individuals kind of put me in a state of torpor, punctuated by juicy adjectives that inspired colors and sounds, fireworks and flowers inside that little world of mine.

Playing games in the mall

A few pictures from our rendezvous in the mall, where we played boardgames.

Discussion: The Radiator Game

Monday, April 20, 2009

Transfering Ritual of Object No.2

A tango (or rhumba) is performed.

What is the object? What visual of tango/rhumba? (remember Kantor's lifeless/dragging tango, or Fellini's La Saraghina doing the rhumba?) How is the music created/integrated/devised? Dance=life=enjoyment of the game=love=cosmic law

****By the way, the movie "Last Tango in Paris" is a wonderful film...very relevant.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Objective of the Game #1

1. The understandable objective is to break a world record.

Proposal Submitted to Guinness World Records for consideration

Summary Claim Details

You may want to keep a copy of these details for your reference. If any information is incorrect, please use the Previous Button to go back and amend the details.

Claim Title: Longest Continuous Theatre Performance
Country: United States
City/Town/Village: Owensboro, KY
Date of attempt: 06/ 05/ 2009
Record Details: Action Potential Arts Experiment (APAE), an artist collaborative, will be performing "The Radiator Game" directed by Jeremiah D. Reeves on June 5th, 2009 in Owensboro, KY. The play which takes the form of a game, where theater and reality are one, seeks to explore our relationship with time while presenting an image to the phrase "life is a game." The play will take place in an alternative theater space, whose set is constructed as, and modeled after, a zoo vivarium. The play, like a game, completes itself when all of the rules set out in the script have been played out to their final conclusion by the cast of characters. The set will be under continuous video surveillance for the entire duration. It will be open to the public and free of charge. However the script will be for sale at the performance. All aspects of “The Radiator Game,” including: the characters, costumes, the setting, props, objective of game, rules for playing, rituals/moves and some lines spoken are accounted for in the script. Since the play is a game, which is played in real time in front of an audience, it has the potential of lasting for a long time. We are assuming the game will be performed anywhere between 12-72 hours straight; affording it a candidacy for some kind of world record. The script is an original written by APAE. It is self published in book form and will also be made available publicly on our blog ( Since the event is being sponsored by a local magazine (VENT Magazine), there is a potential that it will be published in the following months (July 2009) issue. A short description of the piece: The Radiator Game presents the collision of life and theatre within a vivarium; exposing the spectacle as a game in all its frivolity and seriousness, where ingenuity and absurdity are intensified and time stretched - a fusion of science and culture, psychology and art, dreams and reality. APAE is an artist run collective/collaborative founded in 2009. It operates as a conceptual gallery curating exhibitions and performances for alternative and public spaces. APAE seeks to engage the local community with original, inspiring and thought provoking forms of contemporary art. They are currently seeking non-profit status. This theater piece bears a likeness to the work of Robert Wilson; a Brooklyn based theater director, who may hold a similar world record for the one proposed.

Adjudication Information requested
Media: Local and national news and magazines. The event is being sponsored by VENT magazine and may include others.
This event is not in aid of Charity

Objective of the Game #2

2. The Seeker must regain his past (objects) and restore the order of things (nouns and verbs).

***thumb through this book....funny it was on my shelf at my feet. Asking myself the motivation of human endeavor "To..." Bam! there she was...Restore the Order of Things. I am now reading this book. Hopefully I can finish it before the performance. Read it when you need inspiration or have nothing to do. The preface is a good spot to start....especially where he is quoting Borges.

amazon book link
google book link

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Quote for game

"I think that man now realizes that he is an accident, that he is a completely futile being, that he has to play out the game without reason." - Francis Bacon

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Radiator

Here is a little reference for the radiator from the wonderful David Lynch

There is also an orange radiator cast in plastic from Rudolph Stingel, but I can't find an image of it.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Somewhere around there.

had to be posted. I like the envolvement of the camera and television as part of the piece, the giant light on a stick, and the machines. Particularly fond of the construction of the set and how it is exposed, practical and a simple solution. Egg-beater man hanging...scuba bike...fabulous. Check out the groups related videos also. Really neat.

The Game: Material for Ideas

This is one of my favorite films. It relates wonderfully. Everyone should watch it to glean ideas. La vita è bella 1997

Friday, April 10, 2009

Unrefined pieces of thought

I've been thinking about feeding, defecating etc...
How much does it cost to rent a port-a-potty? We could cover one up with foliage, or even make a cave-like structure to stick one in. Or we could create a cave or amass a large amount of foliage around the door leading to the bathroom already in the building, blocking it off from viewers.
I'm thinking about fishing, bags of food, zip lock bags, pop-tarts, chips, etc. out of a makeshift pond, or perhaps everyday for lunch or dinner, someone picking us something to eat that we each go into the cave seperately to enjoy, like our break/coffee area.
The hunter/poacher. I'd like to see that idea used somehow, maybe if the seeker gets close enough to those he's seeking, the poacher can come "shoot" them, I dunno, if you think of something let me know, or run with it, either way :-)
Piles of leaves...useful for something...
I've also got this idea stuck in my head of Alice, trying to enjoy tea with the Mad-Hatter, and hot the rules they've made are a bit off, (un-birthdays,MOVE DOWN MOVE DOWN, TIME TOO MOVE DOOOWN!)
Table manners/rules, maybe it starts off peacefully enough at the dinner table, the seeker and the sought are sitting together at the table having tea, or eating, peacefully, then something happens, maybe the seeker gets angry and scares off the sought, maybe something else happens, something chaotic like a car crashing into the table or something, basically showing how the seeker and sought became seperated. Maybe when all the sought are found they return to the table and simply finish their meal.
Or maybe this means I've lived in Owensboro for far too long. Thinking about eating out and such...
Damn it.

Rules for Play: (to generate a rule)

Since it has been said that Children are "brutally honest" - ask a child to create a rule...

Here is another reference for Rule Making:

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Let the Design Begin: The Radiator Game

I have separated everything into these categories:

Setting (vivarium)



Objective of game

Rules for Play


Text (words spoken)


Please make all post from now on (in reference to The Radiator Game) with one of these as the title. I am taking notes on these and at the meeting we will solidify all of the notes into a design.

Note: This is the time to generate meaningful content, we will edit later, so be thorough and give examples and explanations. Be as creative as you like. Post pictures, video, text....ect.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Tickling Trickle of Thoughts Wriggling Wryly Away!

...Spaaaartans! What is your profession!?...hmmm... I'm glad the TV is off... My ideas, specifically the ones I wrote down during our last meeting include... Eternity ends, Time... Space to think, remember, the past, family, friends, happy, sad, emotion is overwhelming. Sisyphus son of Aeolus, weeps, stares blankly back at the boulder, finally freed from his violent prodding, rests once again at the bottom of the eternal hill. Realization; He could've stopped stopped at any time. Perhaps it was hope that drove him, or faith. Hope it seemed was the worst of all evils loosed by Pandora, allowing man to prolong his torture and abandon reason... Sisyphus falls... the boulder with him, following as if linked by a chain beyond eternity... Another idea had it in the shower... Butthole surfers are pretty good, that song "avalanche" is euphoric to listen to after excercising... wish I hadn't forgotten Jane's name... Wonder if they'll even get any of this... Images... Moving pictures... black and white... an ape-like man begins coughing... zoom in... his eyes appear to be bulging out, he's gagging, clutching his throat, screams mingling with gurgles, suffocation, he falls to the floor, on his knees, dry heave, dry heave, PAPER CUT, PAPER CUT, BLOOD, VOMIT... ("maybe he's dead now, face down in his own blood, vomit... societies expectations, rules, morales, commandments, covered in copious amounts homo erectus's fluids, lay next to him, hair recedes, he seems more human now, almost child-like, innocence is restored, what cost?")
I can only imagine... the parents... feeding that to their children, did they cut it up? bite size? easier to swallow, as their parents did for them? How long was it in there?... hmmm Seinfeld is on... Still gotta continue my bio for Jeremiah... I guess... funny the bio seemed like a character I wrote for a long time ago... I love that kid... need coffee, maybe just acceptence and to learn how to spell... see you in hell.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

New Project: The Radiator Game

The Radiator Game presents the collision of life and theatre within a vivarium; exposing the spectacle as a game in all its frivolity and seriousness, where ingenuity and absurdity are intensified and time stretched - a fusion of science and culture, psychology and art.

Images - To think about in relation to The Radiator Game

Here are a few images and links that were mentioned at the meeting:

Joseph Beuys - Coyote: I Like America and America Likes Me

Book on Amazon

Matthew Barney - Cremaster Cycle @ Guggenheim

Alice Aycock - The New & Favorite Game of the Universe and the Golden Goose Egg

Michael Portnoy - Casino Ilinx

Palm Beach Zoo Map

A Carnie Smoking a Cigarette